The Legendary Rider File 1.1

There are many stories about "ghost rider" all over the world, but not the one we all saw in the movie, it's the real one or at least that's how the legend goes.
There is one legend that I found rather different than the rider in the movie. His legend appears in the south east Asia. 

This is how the legend was told...........................
Not to long ago, there was this young man who works faraway from his family. But even though it was hard, he had to do it to support his family. Every day he woke up early in the morning then drive his bike to his working place. It took hours for him to get there and after work he took even a longer time to get home because he was too tired. He gets home after everybody had fallen to sleep. Then gets up before everyone to go to work...........
Everyday it goes the same as always.........................................................
To be continued............................................................................................


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