Urban Legends and Folklore

Urban Legend is very different than folklore yet have some similarities to one another. A legend called urban legend was never meant to refer to legend which comes from an urban area rather than the type of the stories itself. For the reason above many expert prefer to refer to the legend as a contemporary legend. If folklore is strongly attached to the culture of an area an the legend simply become the enhancement of the value of the culture itself. This is rather different than those of the so called urban legend because of the term simply doesn't to the cultural event of some kind in the preference of the coincidental occurrences. The urban legend is more attached to any value that is contradictory than that of the original culture of the society at that time. A folklore to be something that originated from the culture of the society but an urban legend is something that originated from something outside the society or simply put it is something that considered bizarre for the society or something that cannot be understand immediately.

Urban Legends has develop some of the very interesting story telling, since you can spot it immediately for a story to be considered as the one so called urban legend. For example a story that is begin with a sentence: "This story is a true story, it happened my friend's friend" or "This happened to one of our friend in high school and it is a true story". A story that start with this line usually is an urban legend, because it has that of the detailed needed to be true and has a proper location and time line just like a real event, yet it lacks one thing that is important the existence of proof and not possessing any eyewitness also those who knows the the story never been in contact with the actual event or person that is part of the legend. It is always the third person that is telling the story to be heard by others. So the lack of proof always set the differences between the one so called urban legend and the actual history. Also It set it moral value away from the understanding of the citizen different from the folklore.


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