Legends of the Unknown

There are many legends in this world which simply unable to be part of the history because of the fact that the legend itself is lack of some concrete evidence. Legends of the unknown is what I would like to call this legend because it was believe as one of the true event and yet it deliver the fact rather differently than other usual history. More to be known about this history is that nothing more can be extracted as evidence to the legend to get away from something called myth. Myth is simply on the other hand of history because "no smoke without fire" or simply no story can sprung out of no where without any fact behind it. Any story is unable to surface unless something become the base of the story itself.

Legends of the Unknown is simply the characteristic given to any legend other than the one people called fiction which is already unable to present any preferable evidence from the beginning. It is different than the one that can present half of the fact of the occurrence of the legend itself. Some story present us with the time line alone and not the other fact that can support the occurrence of the legend itself.

More to be known about this theory which requires more study, more time and more money...............
To be continued...............................


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