The tea of the death

The tea of the death is one of the legend found in some part of the world. It simply tells the story of a liquid that can get you out of the death situation three times after you drink it. The story goes this way..

Along time ago there was a man who live a life outside human society. He use everything he has to avoid the living and in time he was forgotten by the living. A strange person indeed he was, he didn't posses any normal person would've wanted, a companionship of the other. One day, a war broke out and the nearby kingdom lost the war has to flee their homeland. Unfortunately for him, they come to his mountain and settle there.

Thinking that he should not be around Living human, he goes to the king and tells him that he will help his people back to their homeland if they promise not to come to his mountain again. The king did not believe him "how could someone who looks like a beggar to him could actually helps him" he thinks. But then he told the king that he could die three times and still comes back alive and that he can give that ability to anyone he wanted. To proof his words, he kills himself three times in front of the king. The king then agree to leave his mountain if they can reclaimed their homeland.

He then gave all of the king's soldier a drink of the tea of the death. And tells them that they can sprung back from  death three times.

Version .1
....Then they won the war and reclaimed their homeland.
The man was once again left by himself and once again he can live the life he wanted. Little did he knows that it can never goes back to the way it was for him. He already tasted the companionship of other people. And for those who live between the border of the living and the death choosing one side means that the cycle will start even for him. And he will feel what should be felt and that he will be one with the living. 

Version .2
....They won the war despite the amount of soldier that died in combat even after they drink the tea of the death.
The king that have tasted immortality capture the man brings him to their homeland so that he could have unlimited supply of the tea of the death. Little that he know that to gain something a price has to be made and for a live to be given another live has to be taken. When the king goes back to the mountain to take his family and the family of the other soldier that was left there when they go to war. Everyone has died with wound that should belong to the soldier. 
The actually just a payment for the death to bring back the soldier after they died in battle. But the guardian of the death will take back anyone who escape. But with the man stays in that mountain the guardian can't take back the escaping spirit of the soldier. When the king take the man with him the guardian was set loose and seek anyone with the closest resemblance of the soldier spirit and takes their family's life in exchange. 
The king does take back his homeland but because of his greed he lost everyone he cared for...................................

Myth and Legend

Myth and Legend are the most common things that we encounter during our search to find more about the world. The myth of the origins is more than we could ever get than the tale of the legendary runners. Those legends seems to be more of a lie than true and yet to those who claim those legend as the truth removing it would be impossible. The myth reacts as one of the catalyst in the society and also as a medium. For any society to accept the truth seems to be difficult except by fusing it with the myth itself in which case the truth become the legend and the legend turns to history.

For the rust to be the new require not just the legend itself but the correspondence of the unusual. And yet after the retrieval of the original source nothing come after the legend has been fused. Although the fusing itself does not require the render to overcome the society. The render itself need to focus to alienation of the society itself.

The Legendary Rider File 1.2

One day this man found himself in a condition where he was rained down with heavy weather. Even though it was so hard to see the road he keeps pushing on and not stop for anything. He keeps driving his bike and hoping to get home soon to see his family again. But as he goes on he could never find the end of the road. The road keep going and going without showing any sign of his home being near. Then he meet up with someone, riding a bike just like him. He then fasten his bike to catch up with this driver. Then he shouted, "hey, do you know the way to ................? sir" "could you show me the way?". Then the other rider response in a way he would never expected.

.......................To be continued.


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