

Folklore is one of the most ancient stories that actually has a based but lack the evidence to proof itself as the right event in history. More that we know about this type of legend that it only based on a tale story which means that it doesn't has any written proof attached to it. Folklore spread from one person to the other through a speaker to the other speaker. So the original story might just been altered through many different culture inherited by the speaker. Those changes might just be incomprehensible to the original tellers through those cultural effect to the story itself. 

There are many folklore in these world that cannot be understand by other society or culture just because the difference of these culture is just to much. And the fact these story emerges from one society without any effect of outsider story made these folklore just beyond the comprehensible of any person that doesn't belong to the society which it belongs to.

Legends of the Unknown

There are many legends in this world which simply unable to be part of the history because of the fact that the legend itself is lack of some concrete evidence. Legends of the unknown is what I would like to call this legend because it was believe as one of the true event and yet it deliver the fact rather differently than other usual history. More to be known about this history is that nothing more can be extracted as evidence to the legend to get away from something called myth. Myth is simply on the other hand of history because "no smoke without fire" or simply no story can sprung out of no where without any fact behind it. Any story is unable to surface unless something become the base of the story itself.

Legends of the Unknown is simply the characteristic given to any legend other than the one people called fiction which is already unable to present any preferable evidence from the beginning. It is different than the one that can present half of the fact of the occurrence of the legend itself. Some story present us with the time line alone and not the other fact that can support the occurrence of the legend itself.

More to be known about this theory which requires more study, more time and more money...............
To be continued...............................

Ghost Stories Urban Legends

Ghost stories is one of the most fascinating stories out there that has the probability to be able to summon some urban legend wherever the story started. And it seems that any ghost is promisingly scary for an urban legend to be created it simply is under the flag terrifying situation that might occur. Urban legend is considered to be something that is created from society's curiosity over something that they cannot understand. So something or some story emerges as to satisfied the society need to explain the unexplainable. In many situation it often used as logical explanation for something that cannot be explained at that time. So in a way it created answer for any unanswered question.

Asia is the home of most of the ghost story that emerges in the world around us. Over time the society began to be able to understand the phenomena that happened around us. But even as we grew smarter over time the chances of any ghost stories to emerges is never disappeared from our society. Most of the stories that happened to appear in the Asia mostly appeared because of the will to always be with our love one and the respect to our ancestor in which symbolize the culture inheritance of the ancestor to the predecessor.

Urban legend which appear in the country side seems to connect directly to the culture of the people of the area but it is different then the one that appear in the urban area, in which the legend would try to separate itself with the urban society of the place where the legend emerge. It simply trying to explain the unexplainable event that happened in the society but because of the logical explanation cannot explained it people took something from outside of their society and use it as an explanation different from any countryside which uses their culture with some adjustment to create a legend in which it will become the logical explanation of the unexplainable event that occur.

Myths and Urban Legends

"Myth" as we heard that word we eventually think of the word "Greek" since the Greeks myth is one of the most popular myth ever known to the public and it also has been adapted to many other work in Hollywood. The Legend of the Olympians is certainly is an interesting story that were heard more than any other myth that I ever heard. Seems to be a legend full of interesting character contradictory against one another. Urban Legend posses the same kind of attitude towards society in which it present something seems to be true in a lot of way yet it do not have the necessary proof to be written as history than it is left as the Legend of the Unknown.

Urban legend towards our way of thought seems to be in a way of affecting it but not necessarily in a way of completely changing the course of our thought. We may thought that it could be something that seems to be impossible for a simple story to somehow effect the society in their behavior or the way any decision may be taken. 

Urban legend seems to have their own level of understanding different than myth which seems to move in a certain way different from any other course of history document since it only posses the story and not supporting fact to the history itself.


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